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K18 Curls Revival Package

K18 Curls Revival Package

Indulge in a transformative wash and go experience where your curls are immersed in the rejuvenating power of K18 Detox, Mist, and Leave on Treatment. This exclusive service is tailored for those whose curls have endured damage from heat styling, chemical services, or lack their natural bounce. Our expert stylists cleanse your hair, removing impurities, while the K18 Detox penetrates deep to repair and fortify each strand. Misting with the K18 Mist replenishes moisture, restoring vibrancy and elasticity. Finally, the K18 Leave on Treatment seals in the benefits, providing ongoing protection. Witness the renaissance of your hair as it emerges stronger, healthier, and radiantly beautiful. Embrace vibrant, resilient curls that captivate with effortless grace and allure.


Let's Chat! Embrace Your Curl Journey

If you have any questions, requests, or comments, please fill out the form below, and we will be happy to answer them.